My Story

A group of us from the UW celebrated the end of an era by revisiting our childhoods and dressing up to celebrate the final Harry Potter movie. (I am in the first row, second to the left!)
Coming to the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a freshman, I had no idea of all that God had in store for me in the four years I spent there. In high school my identity as a person had been found solely in my academics, while in Madison, I found myself struggling for the first time to do well in school. 

Through FOCUS missionaries on campus, and a Bible study leader who would go on to become a FOCUS missionary, I was reintroduced to Jesus Christ--Jesus Christ the Living God, a person with whom I could have a relationship. I began to see myself not in terms of what I did, but in terms of who I was: a daughter of God.

I was encouraged to become more involved with the mission of FOCUS on our campus, and I began to lead a small group Bible study and to mentor women one-on-one. What began as something I never expected to be doing ended up being the best part of my time at the UW! I loved reaching out to fellow students, meeting them where they were at, and forming strong friendships with them to help them figure out how they could be the person Christ was calling them to be.

As graduation approached, I began to hear the Lord calling me to continue the work I was doing with FOCUS. Now He, working through FOCUS, is sending me to Virginia, to the University of Mary Washington, to continue in His work, and help more students discover their true identities as sons and daughters of the Father, knowing that there is nothing they can do that will cause Him to stop loving them.

Please consider joining me on this mission! Christ calls us in the Great Commission to "go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). Not all of us have the ability to physically go to those who are in need of the Good News of Christ on college campuses, but you can send me on your behalf! Please visit my missionary page, or email me for more information how we can together achieve the Great Commission to which He has called us!

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