Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Quick Takes, Vol. 6

--- 1 ---
The Sunday before I left Wisconsin, I made a mini-pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI. I had been meaning to go all summer, and finally decided to just do it even though the timing wasn't perfect. It was a beautiful day, and I knew if I didn't seize the opportunity, I would likely have left Green Bay without visiting.

--- 2 ---
My family has a long history with the Shrine. My grandmother grew up close by, and would visit often as a child. Ever since I can remember, I've gone with my mother and grandma and aunt and sisters to mass on the Feast of the Assumption. It's a pretty big deal out there. The Bishop celebrates Mass, and following Mass is Exposition and Benediction of the Eucharist and a rosary walk around the grounds of the Shrine. It's absolutely beautiful, and I am incredibly sad to have missed it this year.
Outdoor Mass at the Shrine. Mass is celebrated BYOLC style--Bring your own lawn chair!
--- 3 ---
My little pilgrimage was fairly uneventful. I went alone, and just prayed for a few hours. It was great to see all of the changes made to the grounds since the site became officially recognized. There was a real parking lot, with yellow lines and everything! And there were some new grottoes, recognizing other apparitions around the world, like Lourdes and Fatima. My favorite was the grotto of Our Lady of Grace. There was just something about the way Mary looked in the statue that was peaceful and calming.

--- 4 ---
I decided against taking my camera with me because I wanted to try to keep my time there centered on Christ and the intercession of His mother. I don't regret this decision at all! It was so nice to take a step back from the world, and spend an afternoon focused on prayer. Although, I am sorry there aren't more pictures, because the Shrine is such a beautiful place.

--- 5 ---
When I went to the Shrine, I wasn't planning on praying the Stations of the Cross. It was totally one of those Holy Spirit moments, where, all of a sudden, I found myself reaching into my bag and grabbing my Handbook of Prayers and walking up to the first station. All of a sudden, there I was, praying the stations, without ever having made a conscious decision to do so. In the middle of the garden area where the outdoor Stations are set up, there is a life-size Crucifix. Praying in front of it after I had walked the Stations of the Cross with Christ was so fruitful and life-giving. I left with this beautiful sense of trust in Him. Because, honestly, if He was willing to hang on a cross and die for me, He's got the little details covered. He's not going to go through all that, and then overlook the minor details, which is really comforting!

--- 6 ---
The Crypt of the Shrine has a life-size statue of Our Lady at the physical location where she appeared to Sister Adele. This place just seems steeped in holiness, and there is a weight to the place that isn't found elsewhere. It really feels like Mary is present. I don't really know how to explain it well, but it was awesome to pray there.

--- 7 ---
The Feast of the Assumption was just celebrated at the Shrine. It was sad not to be there with my family, but I celebrated Mass with my teammates, just my teammates, in Virginia. It was pretty cool to have Mass said specifically for us, and to hear a homily directed at us from our campus priest who is supportive and enthusiastic about our work. It's good to be here!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Hello Maria, found your quick takes link at Jen's and just wanted to leave a note. I live in SW WI and I've been to the Shrine with my have captured some of the things that make it so special. Know of our family's prayers for you and your missionary work. " By our little acts of charity practiced in the shade we convert souls far away, we help missionaries, we win for them abundant alms; and by that means build actual dwellings spiritual and material for our Eucharistic Lord." St. Therese of Lisieux

    1. Thank you Angie! I love the quote you shared by St. Therese. Thanks so much for your prayers!

  2. Your pilgrimage to the shrine seems wonderful. You have pointed out just how important pilgrimages can be, even if they are only local. You may have motivated me to make a mini-pilgrimage myself soon.
